Pics by Jurgen Westermeyerย IG :@whoisjurgen
Benjamin Hudson
Age : 28
Location : Santiago, Chile
Years Riding : 13 years
Top five places : san pedro desert, canadian woods, japan, bordeaux, bolivia
Top 3 food : sushi, subway, salad
Music Style : Tribal and Trap
Topic you hated at school : physics
Topic you love in real life : travell stories, drug stories, spiritual stories
Best Trip in your life : IGI Bandwagon
Riders you looked up to as a beginner : Matthias Dandois, Viki Gomez, and tons of other riders
First thing you do when you wake up : Eat
If you were to reincarnate what time and place would you choose : any time and place where you could live just growing your own food
What is wrong with the World : lack of empathy
What is right with the World : Subway ? ahaha, that at least we know our errors or some of us
What technology do you wish existed : teleporting
Favorite time of the year : summer or autum
Why are we here : to lern experiences and feelings we cant in other states of mind
What is more important to you, happiness, purpose or money : three of them but in that order
How is the scene in Chile?
Now its getting better there are not much contests but there are good projects with flatland in schools so more kids are interested in the sport making the scene bigger, also there are some really good underground riders in Chile.
Anyone you would like to thank?
My family for the support that they give me through all the years of riding, the Chilean scene specially Carlos Jorquera and Carlos Espinosa for teaching me, also thanks to Jean William (dub) for giving me many opportunities !
Family the flatland community and friends!!!