Yuo is a happy young boy from Japan with a couple under 12 titles under his belt . I thought you may want to know a little more about him so here is his short interview! We look forward to seeing what Yuo comes up with in the near future! Welcome to IGI!

Yuo Hayakawa
Age : 13 years old
Location : Nagaoka Niigata, Japan
Years Riding : 6years
Favorite food : Fried chicken
Riders who inspire you : I dare not to think about it, I want to do my own riding!
First thing you do when you wake up : Open the curtains and check the weather and washing my face
Favorite time of the year : Autumn, not too cold and not too hot the best season for riding BMX
Do you always ride with your brothers ? Yes! We have a quarrel often though!
Who is the funniest and who is the most serious in your brothers and sister? The funniest is Ruo and the serious one is Kio
What motivates you the most in riding Flatland ? Family
Do your parents push you to ride ? Not at all, if it’s not fun I don’t have to ride because it’s not fun. My parents say to enjoy riding and it’s the best.
How much do you ride ? On days when I have school, I ride for about 3 hours. On days off from school, I ride for about 8 hours .
What is your favorite thing to do aside from riding BMX ? I like playing ball sports.
How old were you when you first started trying flatland tricks ? 5 years old
Can you do any frontwheel tricks ? Yes, I can do steam roller.
What is your favorite BMX event ? Nothing in particular. Not many events at this moment too.
What does your classmates think of Flatland and your skill in Flatland ? They say “Great!” ” Aren’t you scared?” ” How do you do that?” ” How was the contest?”
Tell us a funny story : Ruo kisses me even though I am already 11 years. We have trick battles and he comes to kiss me when he loses the battle and I run away because I don’t like it.
Anything you want to add ? When I first started competing I couldn’t get on the podium and I had cried disappointedly but, I have decided to challenge to do blender because nobody did blender on a 16 inch bike and people around me say that trick is impossible to do with a 16 inch bike. It was super difficult and scary at the beginning and it took about a half a year to pull the first one.ย Having learnt blender gave me a little confident and became the energy to try many other tricks.